Employment / Employment Counselling Jobs

Employment Integration Coordinator

Now hiring: Employment Integration Coordinator (3 positions) for [ACTION] Niagara: Advancing Careers Through Innovation & Opportunities for Newcomers, a collaborative initiative between PATH Employment Services (PATH) and the Niagara Employment Help Centre (NEHC).

Employment Services Coordinator

We are currently seeking a motivated and experienced Coordinator of Employment Services to join our team. In this role, you will work closely with the Manager of Employment Services to oversee the daily operations of the program and ensure the successful delivery of services to our clients

Employment Counsellor

Employment counsellor required to conduct intake and needs assessment with clients 14+, maintain real-time accurate case notes using a variety of client management systems, and manage client caseload to determine employment status and activity, including regular follow up.

Job Developer

The Job Developer provides job matching and placement services to clients who require assistance in conducting their own job search due to poor work habits, market perception barriers or interpersonal skills. The Job Developer is responsible for building partnerships with employers in the GTA to create job opportunities for clients. The Job Developer plays a hands-on role with clients and employers, providing support and monitoring of placements to ensure job retention.

Employment Facilitator

Do you have a passion for working with autistic individuals and want to support jobseekers and employees in growing pre and on-site vocational skills within their communities? If so, we encourage you to apply to be part of a dynamic employment team.

Analyste, Évaluation et performance

Sous la supervision de la ou du gestionnaire de l’évaluation et de la mesure de performance, l’analyste de l’évaluation et de la performance joue un rôle central dans le secteur Gestion de système de services (GSS).

Technologue, Systèmes et données

Sous la supervision de la ou du gestionnaire de l’évaluation et de la mesure de performance, la personne occupant le poste de technologue des systèmes et données joue un rôle central dans la mise en œuvre des stratégies d’évaluation de rendement.

Spécialiste, Relations contractuelles (2 positions)

Sous la direction de la ou du gestionnaire des relations contractuelles, la personne titulaire est chargée de coordonner et de surveiller la performance des fournisseurs de services d’emploi intégrés dans la région du Nord-Est de l’Ontario.

Job Coach – Retention Specialist – Bilingual Required

The Job Coach-Retention Specialist is responsible for delivering employment services geared to the needs of specific target groups. This position is responsible for working with job seekers and employers within an assigned caseload. This position works within a Case Management Team (POD) of Employment Specialists, Job Development Specialists, and Job Retention Specialists to provide wrap around supports to clients with the purpose of ensuring clients achieve and maintain sustainable employment.

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